Thursday, January 22, 2009


There is a thing called manner. It's include politeness, sincere, empathy, etc. but unfortunately, it starting to extinct. It's happening and it getting worse everyday...
Few days ago when I'm accompanying my dad in hospital, suddenly a bunch of middle-age women burst into the room (open the door with loud voice too), and then when they realize they enter the wrong room, they just left without saying anything.
Couple weeks ago when I'm at Jakarta after work interview and walking in the middle of the rain on my way to train station, a middle-age (why all this middle-age women suddenly have no manner?) approaches me and force me to 'welcome' her under my umbrella. while we're walking, she talked all the time about rain and how rain troubled her. but when we'd arrived at train station, she just left. no thank you or anything...
Not to mention some wrong phone call that rarely say I'm sorry, or young people sit in the buses or train while elderly are standing...
These days people rarely say thank you or I'm sorry. People take everything they can and give nothing in repay. People don't care about others but themselves. People calculating the deeds they do for others.
I think it's a very important thing to use manner in everything. It wasn't so hard to smile and say thank you, it is less troublesome to forgive instead of angry all the time. and because the world will be much better place to live if people have a good manner and respect each other.


Lulu said...

Bener bgt syah. indonesia mmg dah krisis manner. empati itu penting. apa susahnya sih tersenyum, mengucap maaf dan terimakasih?? jadi inget tulisan2nya Andi F Noya. (tapi kalo d inget2 waktu SMA kadang gue suka gitu jg siih hehehe)

Syahrini said...

hehehe, kadang gw juga suka jutek lu. apalagi kalo orangnya nyebelin, tapi harus berusaha lebih keras kali yah...